The Definitive Resource Of Oscar Wilde's Visits To America


This web site intends to use only information based on Primary Sources, and particularly so when the information relates to Oscar Wilde. By a primary source we mean the contemporaneous, documented, and reliable viewpoint of an individual participant or observer usually in the form of:


For a lighter discussion of this topic see my related Blog article: Primary Sources.

By a primary source we mean the contemporaneous, documented, and reliable viewpoint of an individual participant or observer.


Included articles, essays, and ephemera are in the public domain because their copyright has expired. All images are mere mechanical scans or photocopies of public domain originals. From the available evidence they are so similar to such scans or photocopies that no copyright protection can be expected to arise. The originals themselves are in the public domain because their copyright has expired.

Original text is Copyright © John Cooper.



Letters/Complete Letters: Holland, Merlin and and Hart-Davis, Rupert, Eds. The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde, London: Fourth Estate; New York: Henry Holt, 2000. 


Interviews: Oscar Wilde in America: The Interviews, by Oscar Wilde, Gary Scharnhorst (Editor), Matthew Hofer (Editor). University of Illinois Press, 2010.


Ellmann: Ellmann, Richard. Oscar Wilde. London: Hamish Hamilton; New York: Knopf, 1987.


Beckson: Beckson, Karl E., ed. The Oscar Wilde Encyclopedia. New York: AMS Press, 1998.


L&S: Lloyd Lewis and Henry Justin Smith. Oscar Wilde Discovers America: 1882, 1936. New York: Benjamin Blom, reprinted 1967.


Mikhail: Mikhail, E. H., ed. Oscar Wilde: Interviews and Recollections. 2 vols. London: MacMillan, 1979.


Page: Page, Norman. An Oscar Wilde Chronology. Houndmills: MacMillian; Boston: G. K. Hall, 1991.

Ransome: Ransome, Arthur. Oscar Wilde A Critical Study, 1912. 


Miscellanies: Vol. XIV of The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde, 1908, fourteen vols. edited by Robert Ross.


Mason: Throughout this site you will see reference to “Mason”. This is a common bibliographic notation in Wilde studies and it refers to:


Bibliography of Oscar Wilde, (1914)

by Stuart Mason [1]



[1] Pen name of Christopher Sclater Millard.


Bibliography of Oscar Wilde Title Page


This is an ongoing list of those whom I would like to thank for their assistance and support.

Dorothy Cooper; Merlin Holland; Donald Mead; Michael Seeney; Mark Samuels Lasner; Margaret Stetz; Geoff Dibb; Matthew Sturgis; Robert Whelan; Devon Cox; David M. Friedman; Andrew J. Morris; Rob Marland; Rachel Klingberg; JD Murphy; Walter W. Walker; Garson O’Toole (The Quote Investigator); Nigel Rees; Michael May (Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library, Stockton, CA); Bernadette Murphy (Head of Information Services, International New York Times, Paris); the South Kingstown Public Library/Peace Dale; Brian Gallagher and Prof. Jim Kinnie (University of Rhode Island Carothers Library); Sargeant Memorial Collection at the Slover Library; the Norfolk Public Library; Shirley Eastham (President of the Narragansett Historical Society); Samuel Judd (Maury Loontjens Memorial Library, Narragansett, RI); Mark Osterma (George Eastman Museum); John Bogack (Editor, Fire Island Star; Eric Colleary (Cline Curator of Theatre and Performing Arts); Cristina Meisner (Harry Ransom Center of the University of Texas at Austin); staff at the Berg Collection, NYPL; and Elizabeth E. Fuller, Librarian at The Rosenbach Museum and Library; Francesca Costa,

Public Historian, Palisades Interstate Park in New Jersey.

Oscar Wilde In America | © John Cooper, 2025