The Definitive Resource Of Oscar Wilde's Visits To America

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Oscar Wilde’s lecture Tour Of America, 1882

A Comparison with Previously Chronologies

There have been five previous approximations of Wilde’s lecture tour published in the following works:

Brasol, Boris, Oscar Wilde: The Man-The Artist. Williams and Norgate, 1938.

Mikhail, E. H., ed. Oscar Wilde: Interviews and Recollections. 2 vols. London: MacMillan, 1979.

Ellmann, Richard.Oscar Wilde.London: Hamish Hamilton; New York: Knopf, 1987.

Page, Norman.An Oscar Wilde Chronology. Houndmills: MacMillan; Boston: G. K. Hall, 1991. 

Beckson, Karl E., ed.The Oscar Wilde Encyclopedia. New York: AMS Press, 1998.

Despite subsequent sources drawing upon previous ones, none of them agrees with any other, and each is wrong in several respects.  Therefore, in addition to the verified list, the following is a side-by-side comparison list to demonstrate the evolution of scholarship and as a frame of reference.

Oscar Wilde In America | © John Cooper, 2025