The Definitive Resource Of Oscar Wilde's Visits To America

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Comstock's Opera House

Wednesday, May 3, 1882

The Decorative Arts

Ohio State Journal, May 3, 1882


Newspaper report

The Columbus Daily Times, May 4, 1882

An audience that was quite complimentary both in size and quality ventured out last evening, despite the unpleasant character of the weather, to listen to the lecture on "Art Decoration," which Mr. Wilde had evolved from his inner consciousness for the edification and delectation of benighted Columbus.

Newspaper report

Ohio State Journal, May 4, 1882

The lecturer was greeted at Comstock's last night with a large and appreciative audience. It was one of culture and refinement; not one of dress and brilliancy attracted by the operas but one that came to hear and think of the beautiful. This large audience brought out on an inclement evening for a lecture not recognized as a popular one, is the best endorsement that the Columbus Art Association has yet publicly had.


Comstock's Opera House

197 S. High Street, Columbus, OH

Opened: 1863 (Thomas Comstock)

Name change: 1868, Metropolitan House

Destroyed (fire): January 25, 1892

(Comstock’s) Metropolitan Opera House (1868-92)


The Neil House

41 South High Street, Columbus, OH (across from the State House)

Built: 1862, replaced the Old Neil House (1842) which had been destroyed by fire, November 6, 1860

Rooms: 168

Closed: March 20, 1923

Demolished: beginning April 1, 1923

Replaced by: the third Neil House (1924—1980)

Oscar Wilde In America | © John Cooper, 2025