The Definitive Resource Of Oscar Wilde's Visits To America

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San Jose


California Theatre

Monday, April 3, 1882

The Decorative Arts


Newspaper report

San Jose Daily Herald, April 4, 1882

A second lecture in San Jose was announced for April 6, 1882, but no record of it has been found.


California Theatre

c. 81-85 South Second Street, San Jose, CA

Opened: 1879; in the former Central Hall building, the first of three theaters in San Jose to bear the name California Theatre

Destroyed (fire): July 2, 1892

1) The Salt Lake Tribune, July 3, 1892, 1

2) The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois), July 5, 1892, 7


Auzerais House

North side of Santa Clara Street between Market and First, San Jose, CA

Building commenced: September 1863 (John E. Auzerais)

Opened: March 16, 1865

Later: a store block

Damaged (earthquake): 1906, rebuilt

Later: the Grant Building, subsequently demolished


Then and Now


Thanks to Rob Marland for help in identifying Wilde’s hotel in San Jose.

Travel Plans

According to Robert D. Pepper [1] there was no north bound train back to San Francisco after Wilde's lecture so he stayed overnight in San Jose. 

He lectured the following night in Stockton, and the map opposite shows his possible routes.

[1] Oscar Wilde | Irish Poets and Poetry of the Nineteenth Century, Robert. D. Pepper, 1972.

Oscar Wilde In America | © John Cooper, 2025