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Leubrie's Theatre
Monday, June 12, 1882
The Decorative Arts
The Milan Exchange, June 17, 1882, 4
Newspaper reports
Public Ledger, (Memphis, TN), June 14, 1882, 4
The Milan Exchange, June 17, 1882, 4
The Newark Advocate (Newark, OH), June 17, 1882, 2
Leubrie's Theatre
82 Jefferson Avenue, Memphis, TN
Built: 1857 (James Wickersham)
Leubrie's Theatre: 1880-c. 1886 (Ellis and Louis Leubrie)
Partially destroyed (fire): September 1891, closed as a theatre
The theater at this location had various names including Crisp's Gaiety, Memphis Theatre, Leubrie's Theatre, and New Memphis Theatre. For a full chronology see Historic Memphis.
Gaston's European Hotel
31 & 33 Court Street, Memphis, TN (now 107-111 S. Court Ave., adjacent to the D.T. Porter Building)
Began: 1867, nearby as an eating establishment (John Gaston)
Hotel opened: 1878
Name changed: 1883 (Gaston's Hotel)
Closed: c. 1916
Wilde, servant and manager listed at bottom.
Gaston's to the left of the taller Porter building on the South side of Court Square (1910)