The Definitive Resource Of Oscar Wilde's Visits To America

Some Things Never Change

On the eve of Wilde's lecture in Fort Wayne, IN, the local newspapers reflected local anticipation.

In this example the ‘City News’ section of the Fort Wayne Daily Gazette (opposite) Oscar is mentioned in its first and last items.

But as if to reassure its readers, there are various other news items sandwiched in between Wilde’s arrival to manifest that ordinary life was otherwise undimmed. Policemen were still arresting drunks; young men were still eager to marry; little boys still found themselves into trouble with mama; and the sun rose and set every day. 

Unfortunately, the illusion that somethings never change is shattered by the realization that all the trains were on time.

© John Cooper

Fort Wayne Daily Gazette February 15th, 1882

Fort Wayne Daily Gazette February 15th, 1882

Oscar Wilde In America | © John Cooper, 2025